QlikView Pie chart label overlapping issue

Was able to resolve pie chart label overlapping issue by referring Stephen Redmond’s posting.


=Dual( Num(Expression1,’##0′,’,’,’.’) & Repeat(chr(13)&chr(13), Rank(Expression1))-4), Expression1)

Two pointers:

  • Make number representation as ‘Expression default’
  • 4 in syntax should be the expression count from which your overlap issue starts

Post link: https://community.qlik.com/thread/29055

QlikView – Simple Tableau style chart

Follow below steps to create Tableau style chart in QlikView.

1. Create new QVW.


2. Generate sample data model using Ctrl + Q + Q


3. Save and reload the script


4. Below image shows the Data Model generated by sample script, to see that press Ctrl + T.


5. Create new Bar chart by right clicking on the new QVW document.


6. Click next and select the dimension, here I’m selecting Dim1.


7.  Again click Next and create expression, my call here is “sum(Expression1)”.


8. Here I’m going to click finish, resultant chart is the usual one which we get in straight forward way.


9. Now I’m going to filter on one of the dimension to show what usual reaction is.


10. Ok now it’s time for couple tweaks to change it. Starting with expression, using set analysis to override the selection, resultant expression sum({1}Expression1) and there is no reaction for selection on the chart.


11. My next tweak is on Background color of expression “=if(Dim1=Dim1,RGB(141,170,203), ARGB(100,141,170,203))” and the final chart should be as below. Here look at the difference between RGB and ARGB functions, ARGB has one additional parameter in the beginning that is opacity which decides the dimming behavior of the bars.