List box – Restrict the values

This post is about restricting values of List box based on different conditions.

Sample application that I created for this exercise has below data model.


List box without any restriction.2

Restrict List box values based on condition for single metric field. Just display the products that has transaction amount.

=if(aggr(sum(Amount), [Product Name])>0, [Product Name])


Restrict Listbox values based on conditions for more than one metric fields. Product

=if(aggr(sum(Amount), [Product Name])>0 and aggr(sum(Quantity), [Product Name])>5, [Product Name])


Dynamic conditions based on field values.

=if(aggr(sum(Amount), [Product Name])>0 and [Product Category]<>’Dairy’, [Product Name], if(aggr(sum(Quantity), [Product Name])>10, [Product Name]) )



Have good one folks!!